
Wanna Ask Your Crush Out? Follow My Lead!

Wanna Ask Your Crush Out
Wanna Ask Your Crush Out? Follow my lead

Here comes the February – the season of love and romance – with a perfect opportunity to turn your crush into Valentine or something more realistic like dating or having a real relationship. This is the very time when you ask yourself should I ask my crush out. And, if yes then another question arises that how to ask your crush out? Well, here I am sharing with you tips on how to get your crush to ask you out.

There are tons of websites sharing thousands of ideas to ask your crush out for a date on this Valentine’s Day; however, for most of us, the very idea of asking our crush out is enough to make our hearts missed a beat, right? Hence, none of them would help you out in such a situation. So, what should be the best way to go about it? Should you spend the most romantic time of the year alone since asking your crush out may ruin the mysterious relationship you’re sharing with her/ him? Or should you ask them out no matter what they’re gonna reply to your proposal?

Well, I’d say there is a way that can make things a bit simple for you and reduce the chances of affecting your friendship with them! Rather than just reaching out to them with your love proposal, take a step back and prepare yourself beforehand! Yes, it requires some preparation as you would do before an exam – after all, it’s like a hell of an exam for you, ain’t it? So, to start with, just grab a paper and pen and jot down some things that describe them!

Why Do You Like Them?

Okay, you know there are tons of things about your crush that attracted you for them in the first place, right? I want you to write those things down – all of them. There must be a few things that others wouldn’t notice about them but you did. PS: there ought to be some! Express your feelings by describing those things first! Remember one thing, when it comes to love and romance, everyone loves listening to things they might already know! Hence, you better beautify your words with a bunch of phrases and expressions that can make their hearts skip a beat and stomach full of butterflies!

No Cheesy and Pick Up Lines!

By phrases, I didn’t mean those irritating cheesy lines that used to add spark to sweet-talks we had back in the 90s. Gone are the days when people, especially girls, used to get flattered by the cheesy lines and quotes. Nowadays, people tend to have real conversations that require heart as well as mind involved in it. Remember, everyone knows about their looks, talents and flairs, hence, it is very important for you to not make a mountain out of a molehill. Though a lit bit of tweak of words and exaggeration would help you knock the doors of their heart!

A Subtle Approach!

Sometimes, little encounters like eye contacts, passing smile and other cute expressions make such an impact that words can’t do. These little gestures tend to stay longer in your crush’s mind than other things about you. Hence, never miss a chance to speak your mind through these little gestures and signals. You never know what makes them answer to the doorbell of their hearts for you!

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Most Importantly – Be YOURSELF!

Well, the key to have a successful relationship is to be the way you are! No sugar-coating, no exaggerating, no showing off and nothing else but be yourself! Unfortunately, a large number of relationships breaks up due to the exceeded expectations your partner has from you. But why that always happens? The reason being is that when we start dating or approaching our crush or partner, we tend to make a lot of false promises and commitments just to impress them. We often create lots of hypothetical scenarios and promise to act differently – or I should say a bit filmy and heroic. However, what we forget is creating a delusive image or personality is easier but carrying it throughout the relationship is a hell of a task! Hence, be real and be yourself today and always as this is what your partner expects from you!

These were some of the tips to ask out your crush!

So, Good luck with your EXAM and let me know how did it go!

Share this article with your friends, colleagues and even with your crush to see how they react!



Written by fa

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