
Healthy & Romantic Relationship Advice for Teenagers: Secrets Revealed!

The secret of having healthy and romantic relationship is revealed! Here are some amazing relationship tips for teenagers!

Healthy & Romantic Relationship Tips for Teenagers Secrets Revealed!
Healthy & Romantic Relationship Tips for Teenagers Secrets Revealed!

When you are a teenager, you develop some new interests, attractions towards the opposite sex. What you should, however, keep in mind is that there is no pressure to be in a relationship or date someone. Just because your friends and acquaintances are having boyfriends or girlfriends, that doesn’t mean you should also have one. You must analyse if you’re really ready for someone of the opposite sex and want to share a relationship with them. Here, in this article, I will tell you some of the healthy & romantic relationship advice for teenagers that our generation of youngsters is missing.

When you’re a teenager, everything is new to you! In this age, everything seems so exciting and a little scary at times. This is the time when you think too deep over some silly things such as what if someone doesn’t like you, what if people find you different than others etc. So, there are a lot of attractions and pitfalls in teen dating and teenage romantic relationships.

However, what you should always remember is that this is the time when you’re are more affordable to experiment. Hence, find out what you need, what you like and what makes you excited. Just not forget to be yourself and do what you’re are interested in doing and are comfortable with. Though if you’re wondering what it is like to be comfortable with someone and how you would identify if he or she is your other half, analyse these things I’m listing down:

Opinion May Differ But Not Respect!

There will come so many situations where you and your partner might have different opinions on various topics or things. However, you must remember that it is absolutely fine to have different opinions. Hence, one of the most important relationship advice in such scenarios is not to lose the respect of one another!

Trust Each Other, No Matter What!

Every relationship goes through some rough spots and dry times where you seem to lose your patience. You might even take a step to escape from the relationship or break up to end this suffer. This, however, isn’t always the option! You must trust each other, even when you’re not together. Having trust in each other is the key to making a relationship strong and long-lasting. I understand, sometimes it’s harder to trust but trying to understand them is the first thing your partner wants. So, follow this relationship advice and you will see the positive changes in your relationship.

Let Yourself Free and Your Partner As Well!

The relationship advice I’m going to give now is quite important; so, read it carefully. It is so annoying to keep doing things you don’t want to, right? It is all fine to indulge yourself in the activities that might not interest you but your partner. However, you mustn’t always pressurise yourself to do things you don’t want to. These things can either be sexual activities, hanging out or even wearing something you’re not willing to.

It’s usual to share interests with the person you’re dating, but you also need to keep developing an identity outside of your partner too. Have an interest that’s just yours. Develop some passion and follow it. This way, you’ll not only improve your self-esteem but also build self-confidence that will help you have a strong relationship.

5 Ways to Improve Intimacy in Your Relationship

You might have noticed that teenage relationships are always so exciting and pleasant in the beginning. However, with time, it always seems to end up with a lot of arguments and fights. Hence, it is always important to find someone who not only makes you smile and shares create amazing memories with you but also stands strong beside you when you’re in need. Ask yourself these questions and figure out if you’re in a healthy relationship!

Is The Love of Your Life Matured Enough?

This is among the most common and essential question you must ask yourself while choosing the right partner for you! Having a great look, decent personality and charming smile are all add-ons. What you must seek in your partner is the maturity level. You must choose someone with the same level of maturity as yours, or even more mature than you. This is another important relationship advice that would make you choose your partner carefully.

Is Social Media Ruining Your Relationship?

Today, almost every relationship is influenced by the social media platforms out there. And, if you’re a teenager, the chances of these social media affecting your relationship increase by a fair amount. These days, we’re surrounded by the influential social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, WhatsApp, Snapchat and what not! It is absolutely fine to post pictures, share statuses and drop comments on each other’s posts. It is also fine to flaunt your relationship online as a lot of people in their teenage would love to do, however, you mustn’t consistently poke your friends and acquaintances about your relationship. It might not just lead to an argument with them but also can affect your relationship as well. Hence, it is always good to keep your relationship and social media away from snooping one another!

Is Your Partner Cooperative Enough?

No, I’m not telling you or your partner to compromise on everything and stretch your relationship for nothing. However, both of you must have the quality to compromise on little things that would not harm. Though being a teenager, it is, sometimes, difficult to set yourself aside. Hence, you must remember that being cooperative at times is the key to keep your relationship strong.

Is It Love, Lust or an Attraction?

Being a teenager, it is quite complicated to figure out if it love, lust or just a mere attraction. And, that’s the reason why they say that love isn’t easy for teenagers! It isn’t easy for a teenager to realise if it’s actually a love that is being shared between them. When you’re a teenager, everything seems fresh and new to you. A hoard of feelings and emotions sometimes make it difficult for you to differentiate between the most amazing and worst feelings.

To help you out with figuring out the feelings of true love, and the difference between love, attraction and lust, I’m sharing this simple equation!

What is the Attraction?

Attraction and desire are the physical responses that aren’t emotions but last for a shorter period, mostly.

What is Obsession?

When it grows deep down, it turns into the obsession. Obsession isn’t ‘love’! Yes, it may give you the same feelings as you may get when in love such as the butterflies, goosebumps, and the dilemma over sweet little things, but it isn’t ‘love’!

What is Love?

Love, on the other hand, takes time to grow! It is an amalgamation of trust, respect, loyalty, honesty, care, responsibility and tons of other emotions and feelings. That’s why they say that love is a very complicated thing and it’s hard to tell who should fall in love with!



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