
What Happens When a Girl Hits Puberty?

What is puberty, at what is the female puberty age and what what happens when a girl hits puberty?

What Happens When a Girl Hits Puberty
What Happens When a Girl Hits Puberty

Before diving into the fact that what happens when a girl hits puberty, let’s know the puberty meaning, definition and what is meant by puberty?

Puberty, also called precocious puberty, is when a girl feels several internal and external changes in her body. It is the time when a girl enters in the teenage years. Though it is quite an exciting time for a girl, however, sometimes it can carry a lot of problems owing to various emotional and physical changes. The best way to prepare yourself for these changes during puberty is to understand what all the changes you are going through when attained puberty. However, you must understand that everybody has their own individuality and the impact of puberty can vary for different people.

So, let us understand what is puberty and at what is the female puberty age!

See, puberty often hits you between the ages of 10 to 15 years. Though it can absolutely vary depending on various factors and your body’s internal and external structure. Some of you can expect it right from the time when you enter the age of 10 while others may reach puberty by the end of 14 to 15 years. In a nutshell, you reach the puberty gradually when your body is all set for the changeover. So, what are these female puberty changes, and what actually happens when you reach puberty? Let us find out here!

Start Having Periods

Well, having first periods is the first sign of puberty in females. It shows that you have entered into your teenage and hits puberty. Yes, it’s scary at first and will irritate you until the time when you reach your late 40s. However, having your periods is the natural way your body biologically processes. In a nutshell, it is a sign of life. After hitting puberty, every girl in the world experiences periods for some days every month. In the beginning, you may feel some irregularity while having your first few periods, however, that is quite normal. The effects of periods always vary from person to person. While your periods last for 6 to 9 days, your friends may have it for 3 to 5 days, or vice-versa. Take this into account that the impact, intensity, longevity, and pain may vary between you and your friends. So, give your body some time to deal with the overall changes your body is having and it will be consistent over time. Besides, there is another very important thing to jot down. When your vagina discharges the fluid during the periods, it should be white and colourless and should not smell at all. However, if you find it producing a smelly greenish or yellowish liquid, you may have a vaginal infection. In this case, I would suggest you consult with your doctor immediately.

Breast Development

Yes, breasts development is among the most common changes you will feel when puberty hits you. Puberty in girls affects your breasts primarily and you can feel your breasts growing swiftly or sometimes gradually. The speed at which your breasts will grow may vary. Some girls experience the breasts size development during puberty at a rapid pace, which is quite noticeable at times. On the contrary, some girls experience breasts development very gradually.

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In both cases, you shouldn’t panic about the size and growth of your breasts. I see, many girls compare their breasts growth with their friends & acquaintances and get frightened when don’t find the same results as them. Many times, I find some people saying that the development or non-development of the breasts has a direct connection with the foods you have. Many people link the breasts growth with various activities and start following the same to speed up the growth. Well, I would want all of you to know that there is no connection between your breasts growth with the foods you have or activities you do. See, there is one thing to understand. We all possess different bodies and hence, the growth and changes depending on the various dynamics of the bodies. Thus, the breasts development process may take time and happen swiftly too. Everything else is a myth!

Hair Development

During puberty, your body will naturally start growing hair primarily on your armpit and around the vagina (pubic hair). Though it seems gross and unpleasant, however, the changes in our body hormones are the cause of hair development. If you’re unlucky, you may notice hair growing on your legs and upper lip as well. However, it is a completely normal cycle, so don’t panic.

More Sweating

These hormonal changes in your body not only grow hair but also cause more sweating and body odour. You may also notice that your body is developing spots. Let me remind you this again that all these changes are completely normal. It may annoy you for a while until the time you don’t get used to it. So, rather than losing your mind over these unpleasant changes, you should focus on maintaining your personal hygiene.

Mood Swings and Emotional Changes

Another frustrating thing you will experience during puberty is the emotional changes and regular moods, especially when you’re having your periods. Well, when you reach puberty, your body produces many chemicals and hormones that affect your mood. These mood swings and emotional breakdowns are on the peak when you’re either having or expecting to have your periods soon. During this time, even small things can affect your mood badly. One minute you’re laughing and next minute, you’re fighting tears! Though these emotional feelings snuggle down gradually, however, your body takes time to adapt to these changes.

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How Should Girls Handle Puberty?

See, we all know that puberty carries a lot of unwanted and annoying puberty changes in girls’ body. Just know that you’re not alone who is going through all these emotional traumas and exasperating transformations. Every girl on this planet hits the puberty where she experiences some internally and externally noticeable changes. At first, everything may put you in a dilemma of how to handle these transformations. And, you may have tons of questions in your mind. However, you and your body get familiarise with the whole process, you will handle it better. Besides, you always have other girls around you who are experiencing the same things. I would advise you to share your feelings and experience with them. And remember, this is a natural process and as I said earlier that every girl goes through it. So, there is nothing to be ashamed or embarrassed about. Just speak out your mind and try to learn more about it.


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