
Never Suffer Your PMS Again!

By making some simple changes in your lifestyle, you can handle your PMS symptoms easily!

Never Suffer Your PMS Again!
Never Suffer Your PMS Again!

PMS Meaning and PMS Full Form: Pre-Menstrual Syndrome is a set of symptoms that affect you during or before their periods in many ways. PMS not only affects you physically but also disturbs you mentally and emotionally. There are several signs and symptoms you go through while having PMS. During the days of your PMS, you will experience a lot of indications that disturb your normal life cycle. These Premenstrual Syndrome Symptoms are also known as the Premenstrual Symptoms, Menstruation Symptoms, Symptoms Before Period, Menstruation Problems, Period Symptoms, Menstrual Cycle Pain and Premenstrual Symptoms as well.

Some of the common symptoms and period pain you may experience while having your PMS include:


This is a proven fact that a normal woman is much more affected by anxiety disorder than a man. And, during your periods, you will experience the anxiety symptoms are more severe than the normal days. During your periods, you usually experience a lot of hormonal changes in your body, which ultimately trigger the anxiety disorder. In a nutshell, there can be multiple reasons that cause anxiety during your PMS.

Body Ache

Premenstrual Syndrome not only triggers the menstrual cramps but also causes other kinds of PMS aches including back pain, headache, joint pain, and body stiffness etc. So, if you’re having any of those aches and pains, just know that this is a common menstrual cycle that almost every woman goes through.

Breast Pain

One of the common premenstrual syndrome symptoms you will experience while having your PMS is the breast pain and swelling. You will usually notice the large lumps in and around your breasts and that can move every time you press it. These lamps will occur during your PMS and will reduce when by the time your periods stop.


Depression is another common symptom you will experience during your PMS. The depression caused by the PMS is different from other types of depressions as it occurs during PMS days only and once your periods stopped, the PMS-related depression is gone. However, some women experience severe depression during PMS that is called the Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder (PMDD). PMDD increases the severity of anxiety, mood swings and other emotional states of mind.

Emotional Breakdown

If you experience the emotional breakdown during PMS, don’t worry, you’re not alone. There are almost 85% of women in the reproductive age-range who experience the emotional breakdown as you are. Some of the reasons for this crack-up include the hormonal imbalance, serotonin levels, and not getting enough sleep etc.

Food Cravings

Cravings and only cravings! Having food craving during PMS isn’t something that occurs out of the blue. This has a direct connection with the hormonal variations, especially oestrogen and progesterone. Though the type of foods you will crave for isn’t certain but a lot of women often desire to have carbohydrates rich foods such as the chocolates, snacks, fried chips and high-carb foods.

Mood Swings

Well, having a roller coaster of emotions and mood swings are among the most common menstruation symptoms you are most likely to bear during your PMS and periods. You may experience several mood swings from crying like a baby to being angry over a small thing and then get back to being normal in a couple of minutes.

The worst part of going through these mental, physical and emotional changes during PMS and periods is that you are aware of these changes and yet have no control over it.

How to Handle Your PMS Symptoms?

Stay Active

One of the best ways to eliminate PMS is to do regular exercise. There are certain exercises that release hormones in your body that will help you feel happy and energetic. Some of the aerobic exercises including jogging, swimming and brisk walking can help your heart pump that eases your anxiety.

Dietary Changes

When having PMS, go for the fruits, vegetables and whole grains rather than consuming sugary and salty foods. Also, cut down the artificial sweeteners from your daily diet.

Control Your Smoking and Alcohol

Regulate your consumption of alcohol, coffee, chocolates and tea etc. These types of beverages trigger the hormones that cause mood swings and emotional breakdown. Though you will crave these beverages a lot, however, controlling the consumption of these drinks will help you go smoothly on your PMS. In adding, stop smoking during these days. If not possible, at least cut down the number of cigarettes you smoke.


Give your mind and body rest as it will help you feel mentally and physically strong during your PMS. Do some yoga and meditation to relax your muscles. It will help ease PMS symptoms.

Some Other Remedies

  • Try some over-the-counter painkillers (aspirin, ibuprofen, Meftal Spas etc)
  • Fomentation on abdominal areas with the hot water bottle
  • Seek the support of your doctor or practitioner
  • Get adequate sleep
  • Get body massage and spa

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Just remember, you’re not alone in this mess. Hence, you don’t need to feel pity for it. Talk to your friends and acquaintances about the feelings you’re experiencing and you will get to know a lot of other women in your circle go through the same thing. So, open up yourself and be ready to face it!


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